miércoles, mayo 10, 2006

The weirdest thing happened to me today at work. I had been working like two hours there when suddenly I started loosing my side vision, I was only able to see things right in front on me and everything else was completely blurry. And not only that, all of this was accompanied by a terrible and sudden headache, I even started feeling dizzy and in a moment I almost lost my balance.

Nothing even similar to that ever happened to me before and it scared me, at some point I thought I was going to have a stroke and all but luckily didn't happen. The worst is that I don't remember having done anything unusual during last week or even before. What can be the cause? I have been thinking about that during the last three hours and I haven't been able to find the answer yet. I don't know, maybe it's nothing, I hope it doesn't happen again.

I'm worried, but that's all.

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Damn it's been a long time! Oh well whatever...

4 comentarios:

Remis dijo...

It has been, indeed...

BTW, can you lend me the translations you did of the matrix philosophy textbook? I need them badly... not for me, but for my students.

and, have you ever considered the possibility of publishing that stuff? I think there would be many people interested, and some extra bucks always come handy

greetz lol gg no re

.::Rodrigo::. dijo...

Ron Demis, apenas lo vea en messenger le mando los asunteques. Rommy los resultados estan para el miercoles, fui al eye doctor y me dijo que estaba perfecta mi vision asi que a esperar los resultados de la resonancia no mas.

Katita dijo...


Estan todos enfermos!!! TEnis que puro dejar que el mauro te lea la mano (su nueva profesion) pa que te diga si hay una enfermedad u operacion en el futuro. jejeje.

Ojala todo salga bien y no sea nada grave. Y que no te den reposo pa que vayas al carrete. =)


Nos vemos

Mauricio dijo...

que tengai que enfermarte pa subir algo... que pajero gueon!

que te apuesto que vay a leer esto! porque visitas tu blog pa puro ver si alguien se acuerda de ti!!!
